Friday, August 4, 2017

Design Strategies for Mission Driven Organizations

Web and collateral design is often a low-priority for most non-profit organizations. With tight budgets and ever expanding missions, it can be hard to wrangle up enough support (and cash) to get the ball rolling on a major branding redesign project. For many mission driven organizations, however, a fresh new design could translate into a lot more than just vanity points. Project6 prides itself on creating beautiful and highly engaging/converting web and print designs for non-profits. Here’s a glimpse into our philosophy:

Print + Marketing Collateral Design for Non-Profits
It is vitally important that non-profits and mission driven organizations clearly communicate their purpose, goals, and vision to all of their stakeholders (especially donors and volunteers). When The Global Philanthropy Forum came to us, their marketing messages and collateral were inconsistent and out dated. By dramatically changing their collateral, defining their brand personality, and creating consistency throughout their communications, the organization was able to sell out an annual conference.

Website Design for Non-Profits
Young and growing non-profits are often cash strapped and focused on their core mission. As a result, not a lot of time and money gets put into the web property. As the company grows and becomes sustainable, however, it is important to recognize the benefits of having a modern website. When The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation came to Project6 for a website redesign, their original website that still built for an outdated 800px resolution monitor. Although the organization had done fantastic work in the past, few visitors wanted to engage with their content simply because it lacked visual appeal. Updating their website also breathed life back into their community of partners, job seekers, and board members. Visitors raved about the content, spent vastly more time on the site, and developed a deeper understanding of the Moore Foundation’s mission.

Project6 Design, founded in 2001, is an award-winning graphic design firm committed to using intuitive design to shape brands and solve complex usability problems. We collaborate with clients to help them portray their brand's story and to communicate it in a clear and compelling way.  For the best brand, print or web design services, contact Project6, the leading San Francisco design agency.

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